Grande comunicatore!?

Di Pietro Antonio (blog) ex-magistrato (ha fatto parte del pool di Mani Pulite) è entrato in politica nel 1996 e nel 1998 ha fondato l’Italia dei Valori.  “Ma come parli? Le parole che usiamo sono importanti”, urlava un iperbolico Nanni Moretti in Palombella Rossa, prendendo a schiaffi una giornalista un po’ sgrammaticata. Morale: Di Pietro è il miglior alleato di Berlusconi.
Che Di Pietro sia un grande comunicatore è una di quelle bufale che solo nel nostro Paese, fatto per metà di buontemponi e per l’altra metà di pseudo-furbi, poteva avere tanto successo.
Non ha notoriamente un linguaggio molto forbito ed eloquente ma alla fine parla chiaro, ha un messaggio semplice e forte, chiama per nome e cognome gli

avversari! E quindi gli elettori lo stanno premiando.
Neri Marcorè Antonio Di Pietro : …ma chi resta?

Orgoglioso di fare paura

Le Iene – Vittorio Sgarbi vs Antonio Di Pietro

3 Comments so far

  1. Joe on 3 Luglio, 2014

    So glad to see this post! And I wish I had known you use Facebook for professional rseaons. Oh, the trouble I went through to find an e-mail, haha. I toiled over the Facebook thing for quite some time before deciding on an alternative route. But I’m glad I did, because you can never have too much practice hunting down people. Shoot, I’m STILL trying to find someone a source, not an editor. I am DETERMINED to find this person if it’s the last thing I do!!!!I always always always start my search with Google. Ever since my journalism teacher hipped me to it in high school, it has been my first go to point. But I’m such a hypocrite, because I HATE Google when it comes to my name LOL. Why can’t I be Jane Smith?? Why?!?!? :-pAnywho, another tool that I use is Bacon’s Media Databse. My local library is da ish for carrying it, but being that mastheads change so often, the print edition is not the best resource. I wish I had the bajillion dollars needed to pay for the online version because I’d do it in a heartbeat, but since I don’t, I have to make do.I’ve had pretty good luck finding contact info for editors using the methods you mentioned. NABJ also has a directory, but of course you have to be a member. I think I’ve only used the NABJ database once though. If I’m not feeling my 100% confident self, I will call editors early in the morning between 6 and 7am so that I can leave a message. It’s a bit of a punk move but it has gotten me results (great ones, too!). By doing it this way, I can avoid the awkward conversation that would ensue should they pick up unexpectedly (eep!!!), and they can get back to me at their leisure if they so choose. Win-win people!

  2. Jose on 21 Febbraio, 2015

    Except about the part of you moving from a BlackBerry to a iphnoe. I used an iPhone at work (one was kept with me for safe keeping as part of training) for two months and I wasn’t impressed. But to each his own I guess.

  3. Ryo on 12 Aprile, 2015

    I can’t believe that when I first heard of Sarah Palin, I acullaty thought that she was attractive in an older woman kinda way. I was so over that after hearing her speak. Remember that interview-prank that a French-Canadian station DJ did with her during the elections? She is so dumb and subsequent interviews have shows her to be a big dunce. It shocks me that she is acullaty touted as a possible presidential candidate for th US if she did win, that would be a darn catastrophe!! My brain keeps telling me that it will never happen but the US public did vote for Bush as prez not once but twice!!

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